Application for the Correction of
the Coast Guard Record of:
BCMR Docket No. 1999-074
ANDREWS, Attorney-Advisor:
This proceeding was conducted according to the provisions of section
1552 of title 10 and section 425 of title 14 of the United States Code. The BCMR
docketed this case on March 3, 1999, upon receipt of the applicant’s completed
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case.
This final decision, dated December 9, 1999, is signed by the three duly
The applicant, a xxxxxxxxx in the Coast Guard Reserve, asked the Board
to correct the active duty base date (ADBD) and original Coast Guard enlistment
date shown on his Personal Data Information Form (PDIF) to November 20, 198x.
The applicant alleged that his active duty base date and original enlist-
ment date should be November 20, 198x, because that is the day he first enlisted
in the Coast Guard. The applicant submitted a copy of his PDIF dated October 4,
1998, which indicates that his ADBD is November 19, 198x. The space on the
PDIF for the date of the applicant’s original enlistment in the Coast Guard is left
In support of his allegation, the applicant submitted a photocopy of an
enlistment contract dated November 20, 198x, which obligated him to serve in
the Reserve for two years. The enlistment contract indicates that he had served in
the Air Force from July 7, 196x, to July 6, 197x. The applicant also submitted a
copy of a retirement points computation form prepared on December 21, 1994.
That form indicates that he served in the Air Force from July 7, 196x, to October
22, 197x. It also indicates that he enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve on Novem-
ber 20, 198x, and served continuously thereafter up to the date the form was pre-
On November 17, 1999, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard submitted
an advisory opinion in which he recommended that the Board grant the appli-
cant’s request.
The Chief Counsel stated that the Coast Guard had already initiated
action to correct the applicant’s ADBD but that the correction would take from
three to six months because part of his active duty was in a different service, the
Air Force.
The Chief Counsel attached to his advisory opinion a memorandum on
the case prepared by the Coast Guard Personnel Command (CGPC) dated
November 10, 1999. CGPC stated that the applicant’s original enlistment date in
the Coast Guard was indeed November 20, 198x. CGPC indicated that action to
initiate the correction via the Coast Guard Human Resources Service & Informa-
tion Center had been taken but that the process might take three to six months.
Therefore, CGPC recommended that relief be granted.
for a term of two years.
On November 20, 198x, the applicant enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve
On December 16, 198x, the Coast Guard sent the Air Force a “Request for
Statement of Service,” form CG-4714, because the applicant had indicated in his
enlistment documents that he had previously served in the Air Force. In
response to the Coast Guard’s request, the Air Force reported that the applicant
had served continuously on active duty from July 7, 196x, to October 22, 197x.
The Air Force also sent the Coast Guard a copy of the applicant’s discharge form,
DD 214. The DD 214 indicates that the applicant was discharged from the Air
Force on October 22, 197x, after having performed 7 years, 3 months, and 16 days
of “total active service,” including 1 year and 5 days of “foreign and/or sea serv-
On October 29, 198x, the applicant extended his enlistment for another
two years, through November 19, 198x.
On November 20, 198x, the applicant reenlisted for two years. This enlist-
ment was extended for one year on September 26, 198x, and for an additional
three years on September 24, 198x.
Although the applicant’s record does not contain a reenlistment contract
covering the period from November 20, 199x, to July 23, 199x, it is clear from
many other documents in his file that he continued to serve in the Reserve and
earn retirement points during this time.
On July 24, 199x, the applicant was discharged and immediately reenlisted
On May 30, 199x, the applicant reenlisted for another four years, through
for three years.
May 29, 200x.
The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of
the applicant's military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions,
and applicable law:
The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to sec-
tion 1552 of title 10 of the United States Code. The application was timely.
The applicant asked the Board to correct both his ADBD and his
date of original enlistment in the Coast Guard Reserve to November 20, 198x.
The applicant has proved by a preponderance of the evidence that
his original date of enlistment in the Coast Guard Reserve is November 20, 198x.
Active duty base dates are supposed to reflect all periods of active
duty served by members in all U.S. military forces. Because the applicant’s
record contains a DD 214 showing that he served in the Air Force from July 7,
196x, to October 22, 197x, it would be inaccurate to change his ADBD to Novem-
ber 20, 198x. The applicant’s ADBD should reflect the 7 years, 3 months, and 16
days of “total active service” he performed for the Air Force.
The Chief Counsel stated that the Coast Guard had taken action to
correct the applicant’s dates administratively but that correcting the applicant’s
ADBD would take three to six months because a Statement of Credible Service
must be sought from the Air Force. However, the record shows that the Coast
Guard already sought and received this information from the Air Force soon
after the applicant joined the Reserve in 198x. The applicant’s record already
contains a “Request for Statement of Service” (form CG-4714) and a DD 214 from
the Air Force clearly providing the legal confirmation of prior active duty service
the Coast Guard now seeks.
Accordingly, relief should be granted.
The application for correction of the military record of XXXXXXXXXXX,
Mark A. Holmstrup
The applicant’s date of original enlistment in the Coast Guard Reserve
USCGR, is hereby granted as follows:
shall be corrected to November 20, 198x.
The applicant’s active duty base date shall be recalculated to include the 7
years, 3 months, and 16 days of active duty he performed for the Air Force from
July 7, 196x, to October 22, 197x.
Pamela M. Pelcovits
David M. Wiegand
CG | BCMR | Retirement Cases | 1998-111
CGPC stated that the “applicant has made arrangements to drill in April 199x so that he obtains one day towards retirement and thus becomes eligible for a 20-year Coast Guard Reserve Retirement.” On April 14, 1999, the Chairman sent the applicant a copy of the views of the Coast Guard and invited him to respond within 15 days. He subsequently extended this enlistment three times, obligating himself to serve another 6 years, through Saturday, April 2, 198x. All other reenlistments shall be...
CG | BCMR | Retirement Cases | 1999-132
The Coast Guard alleged that many lieutenants serving on continuation contracts with less than 18 years of active service were denied TERA retirements and discharged with severance pay. In 199x, the Coast Guard incorrectly promised the applicant that, if he accepted a four-year active duty continuation contract, he would be able to remain on active duty until he could retire with 20 years of active service. However, the Coast Guard permitted the applicant to retire under TERA, which gave...
CG | BCMR | Disability Cases | 2001-091
The applicant stated that a Naval psychiatrist, who evaluated him in 199X at the request of the Coast Guard, supports his allegation that his Bipolar disease was incurred on and aggravated by his Coast Guard active duty service. He stated that the applicant needed to be "medically boarded from the Coast Guard" and recommended a medical board, which should have occurred while the applicant was on active duty. In recent statements on behalf of the applicant, CDR H (the flight surgeon), as...
CG | BCMR | Other Cases | 1998-015
He stated that the applicant’s DD Form dated October 31, 199x, is correct, and that the applicant’s sea and foreign service were properly documented on his other DD Form 214s. Therefore, the applicant’s Coast Guard foreign/sea service should be reflected only on the DD Form 214 that covers the period during which he performed that service. Like- wise the foreign and/or sea service performed by the applicant for the Coast Guard in the 1970s properly appears only on the DD Form 214 dated...
CG | BCMR | Advancement and Promotion | 2002-012
The applicant alleged that when he was selected for an appointment as a lieutenant, through the Coast Guard’s law specialist program, the Coast Guard failed to provide him with three years’ constructive credit. He contended, rather, that the applicant was recruited “through a lateral entry program (DCL), to transfer from his reserve status as a lieutenant who performed general duties to an active duty status as a lieutenant who was designated a law specialist.” The Chief Counsel further...
CG | BCMR | Disability Cases | 1999-068
APPLICANT’S ALLEGATIONS The applicant stated that he voluntarily enlisted on November 15, 196x, and had “a good time” in the Coast Guard until a chief warrant officer (CWO) at his unit in xxxxxxx, asked for a part-time volunteer to work as a cook. On March 8, 196x, the CWO forwarded the report of the Medical Board to the Commander of the xxxxx Coast Guard District, approving the findings and recommending that the applicant be administratively discharged. He stated that he was telling the...
CG | BCMR | Discharge and Reenlistment Codes | 1998-099
The applicant alleged that he did not have a personality disorder. On December 7, 199x, after reviewing the report of the ADB and the record, the Commander of the xxxx Coast Guard District recommended to the Coast Guard Personnel Command (CGPC) that the applicant be discharged for misconduct. No member of the Coast Guard has a right to a TERA retirement.
CG | BCMR | Enlisted Performance | 1998-052
On May 25, 198x, she was told that the practices at the recruiting office and the claims of 125 recruiters had been investigated and that she had been charged with filing false claims. On June 22, 1999, Coast Guard Investigations forwarded a copy of the report of the investigation of the filing of false claims by recruiters in the xxxx office to the BCMR. On May 25, 198x, she was told that the practices at the recruiting office and the claims of 125 recruiters had been investigated and...
CG | BCMR | Advancement and Promotion | 2002-123
He alleged that had his active duty base date been correct at the time of the May 19xx SWE, he would have been advanced from the promotion list in 19xx. Consequently, he argued, there is no evidence in the record that the Coast Guard had any prior knowledge of the applicant’s active duty service in the Air Force Reserve until the applicant’s letter to HRSIC in July 20xx. The record shows that the Air Force Reserve, in responding to the Coast Guard’s Request for Statement of Service, failed...
CG | BCMR | Discharge and Reenlistment Codes | 1999-112
This final decision, dated March 30, 2000, is signed by the three duly appointed REQUEST FOR RELIEF The applicant, a former seaman xxxxxxx who served as a xxxxxx in the Coast Guard, asked the Board to correct his military record to show that on May 30, 198x, he received a disability discharge based upon a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoid personality disorder, rather than an administrative discharge for unsuitability based upon a diagnosis of passive-aggressive personality disorder. ...